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Kadhi is a well-known culinary food item prepared from dahi.Variant called kambalika & Can be prepared by oil, sesame seeds and black gram dal.The composition of kadhi varies,, depending on consume.Kadhi has mildly acidic taste with characteristic cooked flavour.

Nutritive signifiance
Kadhi contain bacteria which are good for gut.Help in nutrient absorption.Kadhi is made by the besan and curd which are rich in calcium

low in glycemic index makes it perfect for people with diabetes. Reduces Blood Sugar & Insulin.Best natural method to keep ur sugar level in check
BLOOD PRESSURE-High contain of  magnesium, causes the muscle to relax and hence maintains Heart Health. While phosphorous maintain Lipid Mechanism.
Say bye to Dull skin &hair-
Curry leaf  help in improving the hair strenght .Curry leave contain vitamin B which help us in strenghtens the root of hair to promote smooth hair growth.Paste ko curry leaves can be use as antiseptic
Fight against ANEMIA-
Nutritional deficiency such as lack of iron & protein result in anemia.
Curry leaf are rich in both & increase Haemoglobin.


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